December 1, 2016
Cerpen nurna
holaaa guys I'm baaack. Ada yang rindu? kangen? pengen peluk? halalin dulu akuh. Dah. Jadi, gini. Gua punya temen yang dulu itu pernah gua ceritain. Sekarang mau cerita lagi soal mereka. Masih teteplah ya tentang betapa bosoknya mereka hahahah ngga terlalu bosok sih. Nah yang pertama ada Uma guys. Masih inget??? yang kata gua cantiknya setelah kecantikan gua. Jadi, So, dia itu emang cantik. Tapi... ngga semua orang cantik baik hati banget kan kayak gua ini. Dia itu pelit guys. Sebelas dua belas sama gua sih, elma juga wkwkwk. Dia juga anak mami yang kemana mana harus izin "ibuk" nya dulu. Kadang kasian sih, tapi kadang sebel juga. Pas kita dengan semangat 76 jarum, pengen pergi pergi bareng eeeeh tapi dia ngga boleh pergi. Hiks. Kasian sih sama dia nya. Dia terkekang (menurut gua) tapi, see... dia fine fine aja guys. Waaah anak yang berbakti, atau emang ngga mau repot dengerin omelan? Tak tau lah. Nah, dia ini juga masih kek anak kecil. Anggap aja kadang kadang. Dia itu cengeng juga guyssss. Kek elma deh, hobby banget nangis (kalo ini gua tambahin sendiri). Tapiiii.... dia itu baik guys. Dibalik "kepelitan" nya , dia itu pengertian sama temen. Mengalah sama ke"atos"an gua. Walaupun kadang ngeyel kayak beby and iftek. ehmmm apalagi ya? Dia juga penyayang kooook. Walaupun dia ini "pendiam" diantara anak anak menyebalkan bertitle "chilish", tapi ngga lengkap rasanya kalo ngga ADA dia. udah ya soa Uma. Sekarang kita bahas Beby. Dia ini manusia paling ngeyel guys. Sering minta saran tapi ya gitu, saran saran kita suka dikacangin. Hiks. Sebel sih kadang, tapi ya mau gimana lagi. Dia ini cereweeeet banget, walaupun belum sampe tahap parah kek ifti. Walaupun dia ini banyak "ba*cot", dia itu perhatian and penyayang loh guys. Semuaaaa disayang sayang wkwkwk, ati ati sama pacar kalian guys. Eeeitttsss tapi tenang aja, dia ngga suka nikung kok (walaupun pernah ditikung orang, sampe mau ditinggal nikah pacarnya dulu, omooooo kejaaaam). Dia ini terlalu ngga enakan sama orang guys. Ada baiknya ADA buruknya. Kadang orang jadi manfaatin dia buat kepentingan mereka (walaupun gua juga, wkwkwk bercanda. Aku tulus kooook sama dia). Dia ini playgirl guys. Ati ati lagi nih. Sebenernya bukan playgirl mungkin ya, dia belum nemu yang cocok aja (alassssan). Dia itu lembuuuut guys kalo sama temen, Hatinya ngga tau gimana bisa kek gitu. Disindir bahkan diomong didepannya, dia ngga sakit ati. Malah kita kita ini yang pengen misuh and bacok yang ngata ngatain dia. (kita emang sensi guys, bahaya). Chilish ngga akan seru tanpa dia guys. Dia itu ibarat bunyi kentut, yang kalo cuma ada baunya aja, itu ngga seru banget. Kurang greget bahasa gaholnya mah. Dah ya nanti dia melayang. Kita pindah ke Eko. Dia ini kek kembaran gua. Yang pinternya MasyaAllah. Rambutnya kek makanan bayi guys, aluuuus bet. Dia ini korban tikung teman yang menyebabkan dia jomblo sampe sekarang (almost 20, Omooonaaa). Dia itu ke"atos"annya masih dibawah gua guys. Jadi kadang dia ngalah daripada bacok bacokan. Dibilang pengertian, dia pengertian sih. Kadang, hahhaahaha. Dia pengertian kok, sampe hal yang ngga gua ngerti aja dia ngerti, such as grammar. upsi!. Dia baik loh guuuys. Percaya ngga? Harus. Kadang gua ngerasa dia itu rapuh, eaaak, tapi dipendem sendiri (sok tau banget yah). Walaupun dia ini moody, tapi dia tetep perhatian sama temen. Saran sarannya juga joss (walaupun ngga SE"joss" gua). Dia ini yang sering sharing sama gua, soal apapun. Open minded kalo kata orang barat mah. Mau nerima omongan orang. Tapiiiii..... jangan tertipu dengan kebaikkannya guys. Dia ini sama "bosok" nya dengan ifti beby elma salsa iyun uma kecuali gua. Mulutnya kadang minta disambelin, kalo ngomong suka nylekit nancep sampe ulu hati (kek gua). Chilish ngga lengkap tanpa lambe pedesnya dia. Dia itu ibarat bolongan idung. Yang kalo cuma satu bakalan sesek banget, nah dia satunya lagi. Kita (gua, iya gua) ngerasa ngga plong tanpa dia (jangan ge er yah). Karna gua bingung mo nulis apalagi, jadi kita lanjut ke yang lain aja ya. Soalnya si Eko ini gampang nge"fly", jadi gua harus ati ati takut dia terbang terlalu tinggi.
Nah ini dia cowok paling entah apa di Chilish. Dia Iyun. Masih inget???? Yang pacarnya tuh Canteeeeknya MasyaAllah ituuuu. Ngga tau kenapa gua pengen ngata ngatain mba nya. (kenapa lu mau sama orang kek begini mbaaa??? ekwkwk). Daaan ngga tau kenapa lagi ini, Iyun ini kalo lagi sama kita kita manjanyaaaaa ngga ketulungan. Tapi kalo lagi jadi perkap and ngumpul sama temen temen cowoknya, dia bisa jadi cowok juga (eh). Maksudnya dia bisa cekatan gitu guys. Aneh kan. Yang harusnya manjah manjah ITU kan cewek. Tapi dia kan bukan cowok hahahhahah. Dia ini kadang baik guys (harus dipaksa). Tapi, pelitnya Na'udzubillah, wkwkwk. Dia ini sebelas dua belas sama Uma. Pelitnya ITU. Walaupun dia kek begitu, tapi sebenernya orangnya baik kok. Pengertian (kadang) juga. Perhatian juga kok (percaya sama gua, itu semua cuma kadang kadang). Dia ini jarang marah guys. Ngga pernah malah.(berani benerrrr kalo sampe marah). Chilish tuh ngga akan asik kalo dia ngga dateng. Walaupun dia bukan cowok tampan di gurun Sahara, tapi dia ini ibarat kaktus di gurun guys. Kenapa? Karna emang gurun ngga akan jadi gurun kalo tanamannya ngga ada kaktus. Akan aneh kalo di tengah gurun yang gersang itu malah ada kubis atau kembang kol. Nah... Jadi dia itu kek jadi ciri khas di chilish. Ya semua orang itu tau (berasa tenarrrr) kalo chilish itu, ADA Iyun-nya. Gitulah pokoknya. Kita lanjut aja ya. Ini ada Salsa or Caca. Inget ngga???? Dia ini yang modis banget ituuuh. Dia ini sebenernya founder chilish guys. Berterimakasihlah sama dia, berkat ide cemerlang cerdas dan abadih (apasih ini) nya kita punya nama yang walaupun ngga resmi "chilish". Kapan kapan gua ceritain ya. Caca ini orangnya hobiiii banget marah. Tapi kalo dimarahin dia kek anak kucing kejepit ITU, kesiaaaan banget. Dia ini kadang baiiiiiiik banget, kadang nyebeliiiiin banget. Kadang juga ngga bisa diajak bercanda, tapi kalo udah ketawa... ngga bisa direm (sampe batuk batuk, saking hebohnya ketawa ini). Dia ini cantiiiik guys, kek gua ini lah. Pengertian sama temen, gua yang imut (absurd) ini aja dingertiin. Dia yang tau "sedih sedihannya" hidup gua guys. Dia sama Eko tuh kadang banyak ngga cocoknya, apalagi kalo ditambah gua. Jadilah perang saudara, baratayuda sama siapa itu. Kita bertiga ini "atosnya" Subhanallah, guuuys. Tapi..... Ngga pernah ada bunuh bunuhan (belum). Dia ini perhatian juga loooooh (udah punya pacar dia guys, jangan lirik lirik). Chilish itu ngga akan lengkap tanpa induk. Karna sejujur jujurnya, sesungguh sungguhnya, dia ini induknya chilish. Kita ngga seru, ngga lengkap, ngga asik tanpa dia. Dah ah, jadi sedih. Kita lanjut ke Elma aja. Ingetkan? Iya, dia ini yang hobinya nangis sama mutung (yang ini gua tambahin biar pas). Dia ini induk yang sebenarnya guys. Dia yang suka ngerjain PR teman temannya (bukan gua ya, kan gua rajin banget), dia yang ngga marah waktu dibully (karna dia pekok guys, jadi dia pasrah aja), dia yang perhatian sama temennya (ini terbukti dari hasil PR yang dia kerjakan untuk temennya), dia yang baik (karena dia always menerima semua tugas yang harus diteliti milik teman temannya), dia yang rajin (PR tadi loooh), dia juga sabar (mengalah guys, bukan sabar dalam arti yang sebenarnya). Ya gitu, dia itu begitu itu. Hampir sama kek Beby, yang kadang kebaikannya dimanfaatin sama orang jahat (yang ngga gua sukain berarti jahaddd). Kasian sih, tapi namanya orang baik masakkk dilaranggg. Kesel juga kalo dia terlalu baik (jangan sampe ADA ungkapan "kamu terlalu baik buat aku"). Dia ini kadang gampaaang banget diprovokasi guys. Tersulut kalo bahasa nopelnya sih. Tapi.... kalo punya pendapat dia juga bakal perjuangin kok (ngga kayak aku, yang ngga bisa perjuangin kamu mass hiks wkwkwk). Chilish ngga lengkap bangetttt tanpa dia. Elmo tuh ibarat upil. Orang ngupil (chilish) akan hampa kalo ngga ada upilnya. Intinya tuh dia yang bikin ngga hampa. Ada yang bolong kalo ngga ada dia tuh (apalagi tugas). Udah ya, nanti dia kesenengan dipuji puji. Kita pindah ke orang terakhir (last but not least, ngga tau APA artinyah tuh yah). Iftiiiiii...... Tau dia kan? Yang paling mesum itu loooh. Yap, yang itu. Dia tuh walaupun jadi korban php, tikung, friend zone 13tahun, dan disakiti, dia tetep ngga menyerah guys. Dia suka sama si mas friendzone ini dan sabaaaar menanti dilamar, eaaaakkkk. Dia ini paling ngga bisa dibentak guys. Sebenernya, walaupun orangnya kek orang orangan sawah yang brisiknya Na'udzubillaah, dia ini yang paling aluuus guys atinya. Dia tuh pure, APA adanya. Ngga dibuat buat cara ngomongnya. Ibarat kata, tulus gitu lah. (jibang ya gua nulis gini). Pengertian kok sama temen, meskipun dibully sampe edan. Baiiiik banget guys (pas bagi bagi makanan terutama, karna gua kan suka ngerampok makanannya). Dia ini ngga bisa ngelawan kalo ADA yang jahatin dia, kadang bikin gondok sih ya. Pengen bacok yang berani jahatin dia, Karna .... yang boleh jahatin dia tuh cuma chilish guys. Non-chilish ngga boleh. Dia ini moodmakernya chilish. Dia juga yang tau "sedih sedihnya gua". Dimana ADA dia, pasti di sana ADA kejadian langka wkwkwkkw. Kalian akan selalu ketawa kalo ADA dia. Selain tulus, dia tuh yang paling bisa ngimbangin kita. Kita ngga mungkin jadi chilish tanpa dia guys. Tanpa Beby juga. Karna merekalah kita tau arti cabe yang sebenarnya. Ifti itu ibarat eek. Orang ngga sehat kalo dia ngga eek kan? Nah, chilish juga gitu. Kita butuh ifti supaya kita tetep sehat guys. (bahagia I mean, wkwkwk walaupun ini ngga banget).
Oke, jujur aja... Gua capek nulisnya. mereka semua itu ibarat sambel buat gua. Yang kalo ngga ADA, gua bakal nyari. Sambel, tuh ya cabe. Maksud gua, sambel tuh hidup Dan mati gua guys. Tanpa itu gua ngga bisa makan (ngga enak, ADA yang kurang), ngga bisa bertahan hidup lah pokoknya. Sambel tuh wajib hadir dalam hidup gua. Sambel tuh udah kayak candu guys buat gua. Ngga baik kan kalo candu ITU???? tapi gua ngga akan bisa lepas Dari sambel. Nah pokoknya kalo kalian pinter (walaupun ngga sepinter gua), kalian bakal ngerti maksud gua. Pesen gua (es teh satu, bakso jumbo nya satu), buat Uma: walaupun dia kek begitu. gua harap dia bakal tetep jadi dirinya yang ngga usah ngikutin kita yang baik (sesat) banget ini. Ada kalanya dia harus bisa nyesuaikan sama kita, tapi jangan sampe jati dirinya ilang. Karna Uma yang kek begitu itulah yang bikin kita sayang sama dia. Buat Beby: semoga dia cepet menemukan yang tepat buat dia, jangan lalu lalang ke hati cowok cowok alay di luar sana yang bikin misuh. Plus semoga dia sadar kalo semua Saran dari chilish itu buat kebaikan dia ya. Buat Eko: kurangi ngomong pedesnya (berlaku buat gua sama caca juga). Buat Iyun: jadilah cowok yang seeing nraktir kita. Semoga dia ngga kapok ngasih tau chilish mode mesum on. Buat Caca: semoga dia sadar kalo ADA yang hati yang terluka di saat dia mutung terlalu banyak. Ada kalanya dia boleh ngomong pedes sama kita, tapi semoga sifat childish dia (yang susah dikandani Dan atos banget, pengen menang sendiri, etc) ITU bisa diredam. Karna kita sayang, makanya kita pengen dia ngga terlalu atos. Buat Elmo: janganlah wisuda sebelum temanmu wisuda (bareng bareng aja minimal). Semoga dia juga sadar kalo APA yang sering kita bilang ke dia itu semua buat kebaikan dia sendiri. Adakalanya dia harus tegas memilih yang lebih penting Dan utama dari ego dia. Buat Ifti: semoga dia tetep jadi teman yang tulus Dan ngga dibuat buat, cz we love you just the way you are. Adakalanya dia harus lebih tegas sama orang, jangan mau ditindas (kecuali sama chilish). Buat gua: semangat cari jodohnya.
Makasih guys udah mau baca ini. Didedikasikan untuk: All of CHILISH'S Staffff. Bhay guys. Kalo ketemu chilish di jalan, boleh loh kenalan, upppsss... terutama masnyaaa... hehehehehehhe. Muah muah guysss.
Nurna's story (3)
November 12, 2016
oke guys, gua udah abis Mandi pake sabun mandi yang cair dan ada puff nya. ITU nga penting si. jadi, gua balik kesini karena dipaksa buat nulis cerita yang Samar samar gitu gua ingetnya. Kalian tau pesta kembang API? meledak ledak berisik ngga keruaan tapi indah kaaaan nah itu yang gua rasain guys di perasaan gua waktu pertama Kali bisa sedeket itu sama si ehem gara gara temen temen Gila gua. Jadi gini, gua cuma bisa ngumpet dibalik betis jelek temen gua pas dia ADA di belakang gua. Mau ikut ngobrol kok ya ngga kenal, mau nyapa kok ya gengsi, mau bilang cinta tapi takut salah bilang tidak ya bilang tidak ya, mau nengok kok kaku semua badan gua guuuuys. Pengennya meluk, ups!!! Jangan dibayangin guyyyyys, nanti mupeng kalian. Belum rampung ngurusin jantung yang kebat kebit minta makan ini, temen temen gua malah semakin menjadi guyyys. bener bener minta disemur mulut mereka ini. For the first time, gua disenyumin guys. pasti dia udah ilfeel ya sama gua, karna tinkah malu malu macan gua yang manis ini. Pokoknya itu anggep aja kado terindah gua setelah parka Dan baju ungu dari temen temen gua, yang ngga gratis karna gua harus traktir mereka. Jadi (lagi) di ultah yang ke entah berapa lama ini, akhirnya ADA lagi yang ngucapin Dan itu cowok. apalagi secara langsung begindang. Ini bukan cuma cowok dalam konteks semua cowok lho yaaaaa.... Ini special pake keju Dan selai coklat. Maniiiiissss ngga ketulungan, waktu senyum atau ya waktu senyum ke gua ana sih, kalo pas senyum ke yang lain yang cuma manis aja. Nah kan malah ngelantur. Suka gagal fokus ya, maapin ane guys. Yaudah, gitu aja perjumpaan gua hari ITU. setelah ITU ya gitu, Siang Dan sorenya biasa aja. Tapi malemnya gua, bisa tidur siiiih, cuma kepikiran aja. Kan anying ya guys. Pengen senyum sendiri, tapi kok ya sendiri kek pendekar aja, kalo bareng bareng kayak nonton stand up comedy... intinya salah semua deh tingkah gua tuuuh. Besok besok semoga temen temen gua ngga begitu lagi ya guys. Doain mereka tobat ya. Udah dulu ya, ini mau nostalgia lagi. bhaaaaaaaaaaay muah, kecup manja mesra tapi ngga basah. yang basah disimpen buat si ehem di sana ituuuuh
oke guys, gua udah abis Mandi pake sabun mandi yang cair dan ada puff nya. ITU nga penting si. jadi, gua balik kesini karena dipaksa buat nulis cerita yang Samar samar gitu gua ingetnya. Kalian tau pesta kembang API? meledak ledak berisik ngga keruaan tapi indah kaaaan nah itu yang gua rasain guys di perasaan gua waktu pertama Kali bisa sedeket itu sama si ehem gara gara temen temen Gila gua. Jadi gini, gua cuma bisa ngumpet dibalik betis jelek temen gua pas dia ADA di belakang gua. Mau ikut ngobrol kok ya ngga kenal, mau nyapa kok ya gengsi, mau bilang cinta tapi takut salah bilang tidak ya bilang tidak ya, mau nengok kok kaku semua badan gua guuuuys. Pengennya meluk, ups!!! Jangan dibayangin guyyyyys, nanti mupeng kalian. Belum rampung ngurusin jantung yang kebat kebit minta makan ini, temen temen gua malah semakin menjadi guyyys. bener bener minta disemur mulut mereka ini. For the first time, gua disenyumin guys. pasti dia udah ilfeel ya sama gua, karna tinkah malu malu macan gua yang manis ini. Pokoknya itu anggep aja kado terindah gua setelah parka Dan baju ungu dari temen temen gua, yang ngga gratis karna gua harus traktir mereka. Jadi (lagi) di ultah yang ke entah berapa lama ini, akhirnya ADA lagi yang ngucapin Dan itu cowok. apalagi secara langsung begindang. Ini bukan cuma cowok dalam konteks semua cowok lho yaaaaa.... Ini special pake keju Dan selai coklat. Maniiiiissss ngga ketulungan, waktu senyum atau ya waktu senyum ke gua ana sih, kalo pas senyum ke yang lain yang cuma manis aja. Nah kan malah ngelantur. Suka gagal fokus ya, maapin ane guys. Yaudah, gitu aja perjumpaan gua hari ITU. setelah ITU ya gitu, Siang Dan sorenya biasa aja. Tapi malemnya gua, bisa tidur siiiih, cuma kepikiran aja. Kan anying ya guys. Pengen senyum sendiri, tapi kok ya sendiri kek pendekar aja, kalo bareng bareng kayak nonton stand up comedy... intinya salah semua deh tingkah gua tuuuh. Besok besok semoga temen temen gua ngga begitu lagi ya guys. Doain mereka tobat ya. Udah dulu ya, ini mau nostalgia lagi. bhaaaaaaaaaaay muah, kecup manja mesra tapi ngga basah. yang basah disimpen buat si ehem di sana ituuuuh
Nurna's story (2)
November 12, 2016
Hi, annyeong, hello, hola, arigato... guuuys. Gua balik lagi nih.... kangen ngga??? kangen lah ya pasti, tapi dia engga hiks... Gua mau Tanya. Pernah ngga nemu/ kenal/ tau/ pernah liat cowok yang lovable banget. Tau artinya lovable kan? secara makna ya gitu. Tapiiii... ini tuh yang ngga bisa ditolak pesonanya, ngga bisa diabaikan keberadaannya, ngga bisa dihindari senyumnya, intinya kalian ngga bisa nolak kalo diberi pilihan bakal suka atau engga.
Nah, gua nemu satu yang macem begini. Kalo kata orang si dia ngga ganteng, pokoknya biasa aja. Weeeiiittsss, jangan salah ini yang jadi akar dari segala rotan bambu yang ADA di dunia akhiratnya masalah, apaseh, dia itu lovable banget. Catet ya, pake bold italic underline kalo perlu font nya 46, LOVEABLE. Dicintai banyak kaum wanita yang melek matanya. Tapiiii.... ini yang bikin gua takut. karena keadaan dia yang loveable inilah, yang bikin gua takut beneran suka. eaaaakkkk pasti kalian juga ngerasa gitu kannnnn... Dia tuh ibarat berlian 10kg, yang walaupun gua sampe Mandi darah buat dapetinya, ngga bakalan bisa gua dapetin segram pun. Dan berlian tuh sesuatu yang disukai banyak cewek kan??? masak kalian ngga suka, jangan jangan Kalian bukan cewek. ati ati ya guys, jangan jadi transgender. oke balik ke si berlian 10kg. Alesan dari selama ini gua mati matian nolak buat suka sama si berlian 10kg ini, karena kalo udah mutusin buat pasrah pasti gua luluh lantah kek lagunya samson. Soalnya ya gampang banget buat dicintai, cielah bahasanya. Jangan dikira gampang ya guys buat begini. Karna kan perasaan suka sama orang tuh bisa dibikin ADA, kalian bisa mutusin buat suka sama siapa aja tapi kalian ngga bisa mutusin hati kalian maunya cinta sama siapa. Jadi guys, alesan lain kenapa gua menentang buat suka adalah.... karna gua mah APA. Gua tau gua cantik, cantik banget malah, tapi ITU kata emak gua guys. Seorang emak kan hobby menghibur anaknya. Dan lagi ngga mungkin banget si berlian 10kg ini bakal balik suka. Intinya, dunia kita tuh jauh bnget. Dia dengan semua gemerlap cewek cewek cantik alim baik maupun jalang, antre buat dia tanpa dirayu. Nah gua? jangankan ADA yang antre, mikirin buat ngelirik aja engga ADA. karna ya itu tadi, gua ITU ADA di bawah standard para cewek idaman cowok. gua ngga pacarable, ngga cantek, ngga Pinter, alim juga kaga, ngga kaya, buat MODIS kan butuh modal, nggabisa dandan, keluarga gua aja semrawutan, ngga bisa ngurus diri sendiri, terlalu banyak yang ngga banget dari gua. Maka dari itu, gua mundur teratur sebelum malah beneran suka. sedih??? ngga lah. Besok besok bakal nemu yang lebih berkilau dari si berlian. mungkin aja gua dapetin matahari wkwkwk Padahal ya.... ini gua mau cerita dikit, semakin gua bilang dia bukan tipe gua banget, ITU malah semakin.... entahlah Bodo amat. Sebenernya dari semua alesan di atas tadi, gua cuma ngga mau patah hati ditolak sebelum perang karna banyak nya pesaing yang beruntung. Move on itu cuma buat orang sakit, nah gua ngga mau move on karna gua ngga mau sakit. sakiiitttt lho ITU. Kalian pernah denger pengeboman di Jepang dulu ITU? udah? yaudah. Jadi sakitnya ya ngga kayak gitu juga, cuma sesekkkkkkkk bangettttt. jantung kalian rasanya ngilu. padahal masih berdetak guys. Kayak ditindihan gitu. Mau nangis bingung nangisin apa. pokoknya move on tuh kayak ikut ninja warior. Kalo berhasil, kita dapet hadiah Dan bisa lanjutin hidup. Kalo engga? alias gatot, kita kudu ngulang dari awal. Butuh waktu, tenaga, pikiran, uang buat jajan. Ribet kan??? yaudah guys gua mau Mandi. besok gua cerita lagi kalo ada moment sama mas berlian 10kg yang lain. bhaaay
Hi, annyeong, hello, hola, arigato... guuuys. Gua balik lagi nih.... kangen ngga??? kangen lah ya pasti, tapi dia engga hiks... Gua mau Tanya. Pernah ngga nemu/ kenal/ tau/ pernah liat cowok yang lovable banget. Tau artinya lovable kan? secara makna ya gitu. Tapiiii... ini tuh yang ngga bisa ditolak pesonanya, ngga bisa diabaikan keberadaannya, ngga bisa dihindari senyumnya, intinya kalian ngga bisa nolak kalo diberi pilihan bakal suka atau engga.
Nah, gua nemu satu yang macem begini. Kalo kata orang si dia ngga ganteng, pokoknya biasa aja. Weeeiiittsss, jangan salah ini yang jadi akar dari segala rotan bambu yang ADA di dunia akhiratnya masalah, apaseh, dia itu lovable banget. Catet ya, pake bold italic underline kalo perlu font nya 46, LOVEABLE. Dicintai banyak kaum wanita yang melek matanya. Tapiiii.... ini yang bikin gua takut. karena keadaan dia yang loveable inilah, yang bikin gua takut beneran suka. eaaaakkkk pasti kalian juga ngerasa gitu kannnnn... Dia tuh ibarat berlian 10kg, yang walaupun gua sampe Mandi darah buat dapetinya, ngga bakalan bisa gua dapetin segram pun. Dan berlian tuh sesuatu yang disukai banyak cewek kan??? masak kalian ngga suka, jangan jangan Kalian bukan cewek. ati ati ya guys, jangan jadi transgender. oke balik ke si berlian 10kg. Alesan dari selama ini gua mati matian nolak buat suka sama si berlian 10kg ini, karena kalo udah mutusin buat pasrah pasti gua luluh lantah kek lagunya samson. Soalnya ya gampang banget buat dicintai, cielah bahasanya. Jangan dikira gampang ya guys buat begini. Karna kan perasaan suka sama orang tuh bisa dibikin ADA, kalian bisa mutusin buat suka sama siapa aja tapi kalian ngga bisa mutusin hati kalian maunya cinta sama siapa. Jadi guys, alesan lain kenapa gua menentang buat suka adalah.... karna gua mah APA. Gua tau gua cantik, cantik banget malah, tapi ITU kata emak gua guys. Seorang emak kan hobby menghibur anaknya. Dan lagi ngga mungkin banget si berlian 10kg ini bakal balik suka. Intinya, dunia kita tuh jauh bnget. Dia dengan semua gemerlap cewek cewek cantik alim baik maupun jalang, antre buat dia tanpa dirayu. Nah gua? jangankan ADA yang antre, mikirin buat ngelirik aja engga ADA. karna ya itu tadi, gua ITU ADA di bawah standard para cewek idaman cowok. gua ngga pacarable, ngga cantek, ngga Pinter, alim juga kaga, ngga kaya, buat MODIS kan butuh modal, nggabisa dandan, keluarga gua aja semrawutan, ngga bisa ngurus diri sendiri, terlalu banyak yang ngga banget dari gua. Maka dari itu, gua mundur teratur sebelum malah beneran suka. sedih??? ngga lah. Besok besok bakal nemu yang lebih berkilau dari si berlian. mungkin aja gua dapetin matahari wkwkwk Padahal ya.... ini gua mau cerita dikit, semakin gua bilang dia bukan tipe gua banget, ITU malah semakin.... entahlah Bodo amat. Sebenernya dari semua alesan di atas tadi, gua cuma ngga mau patah hati ditolak sebelum perang karna banyak nya pesaing yang beruntung. Move on itu cuma buat orang sakit, nah gua ngga mau move on karna gua ngga mau sakit. sakiiitttt lho ITU. Kalian pernah denger pengeboman di Jepang dulu ITU? udah? yaudah. Jadi sakitnya ya ngga kayak gitu juga, cuma sesekkkkkkkk bangettttt. jantung kalian rasanya ngilu. padahal masih berdetak guys. Kayak ditindihan gitu. Mau nangis bingung nangisin apa. pokoknya move on tuh kayak ikut ninja warior. Kalo berhasil, kita dapet hadiah Dan bisa lanjutin hidup. Kalo engga? alias gatot, kita kudu ngulang dari awal. Butuh waktu, tenaga, pikiran, uang buat jajan. Ribet kan??? yaudah guys gua mau Mandi. besok gua cerita lagi kalo ada moment sama mas berlian 10kg yang lain. bhaaay
Sample Of Letter
Luthviana Dewi
Parangtritis Street
September 2016
Mustofa, Store Manager
Pustaka Press
02 Tentara
Pelajar Street
Mr. Mustofa,
We apologize for not delivering the
books to you on time. Unfortunately, the material to make the books came late
and we needed some changes in cover, the work can't be done by the target date
that has been set and it will take several more days to complete. To ensure
that this does not happen again, we have gained new workers and they will help
us to do the work.
We should have all the books ready
with the perfect cover by Sunday of next week, and I will deliver them to you
at that time.
If there is any information you
require, or if you would like to discuss this with me, I am available via phone:
085725906082. Thank you for your patience and assistance with this matter.
Luthviana Dewi
The Example Of Memo
The Example Of Memo
Date : 16th October 2016
To : John Filan, The Head of Sales Department
From : Feely Cook, The Head of Personnel Department
Date : 16th October 2016
To : John Filan, The Head of Sales Department
From : Feely Cook, The Head of Personnel Department
The number of sales of our company product decrease
drastically in recent times. So that our income cannot fulfill our needs. If it
goes longer, we cannot survive. Even it causes bankrupt.
For that reason, we propose a mass lay off for our
employees based on test. The performance test will be held on next Tuesday at 8
am in our factory hall. Based on our consideration, it is the best way to
overcome our problem, because it will make our production more efficient and
our income will increase. Do not worry about what will happen next, because we
prepare the facilities for those who cannot pass the test. The facilities are:
last salary
Please inform me as soon as possible if you agree with this
recommendation. Come to me if you have any question or you can reach me at
Analysis of For My Lover, Returning To His Wife, By Ifti Luthviana Dewi
For My Lover, Returning To His Wife
She is all there.
She was melted carefully down for you
and cast up from your childhood,
cast up from your one hundred favorite aggies.
She was melted carefully down for you
and cast up from your childhood,
cast up from your one hundred favorite aggies.
She has always been there, my darling.
She is, in fact, exquisite.
Fireworks in the dull middle of February
and as real as a cast-iron pot.
She is, in fact, exquisite.
Fireworks in the dull middle of February
and as real as a cast-iron pot.
Let's face it, I have been momentary.
A luxury. A bright red sloop in the harbor.
My hair rising like smoke from the car window.
Littleneck clams out of season.
A luxury. A bright red sloop in the harbor.
My hair rising like smoke from the car window.
Littleneck clams out of season.
She is more than that. She is your have to have,
has grown you your practical your tropical growth.
This is not an experiment. She is all harmony.
She sees to oars and oarlocks for the dinghy,
has grown you your practical your tropical growth.
This is not an experiment. She is all harmony.
She sees to oars and oarlocks for the dinghy,
has placed wild flowers at the window at breakfast,
sat by the potter's wheel at midday,
set forth three children under the moon,
three cherubs drawn by Michelangelo,
sat by the potter's wheel at midday,
set forth three children under the moon,
three cherubs drawn by Michelangelo,
done this with her legs spread out
in the terrible months in the chapel.
If you glance up, the children are there
like delicate balloons resting on the ceiling.
in the terrible months in the chapel.
If you glance up, the children are there
like delicate balloons resting on the ceiling.
She has also carried each one down the hall
after supper, their heads privately bent,
two legs protesting, person to person
her face flushed with a song and their little sleep.
after supper, their heads privately bent,
two legs protesting, person to person
her face flushed with a song and their little sleep.
I give you back your heart.
I give you permission—
I give you permission—
for the fuse inside her, throbbing
angrily in the dirt, for the bitch in her
and the burying of her wound—
for the burying of her small red wound alive—
angrily in the dirt, for the bitch in her
and the burying of her wound—
for the burying of her small red wound alive—
for the pale flickering flare under her ribs,
for the drunken sailor who waits in her left pulse,
for the mother's knee, for the stockings,
for the garter belt, for the call—
for the drunken sailor who waits in her left pulse,
for the mother's knee, for the stockings,
for the garter belt, for the call—
the curious call
when you will burrow in arms and breasts
and tug at the orange ribbon in her hair
and answer the call, the curious call.
when you will burrow in arms and breasts
and tug at the orange ribbon in her hair
and answer the call, the curious call.
She is so naked and singular.
She is the sum of yourself and your dream.
Climb her like a monument, step after step.
She is solid.
She is the sum of yourself and your dream.
Climb her like a monument, step after step.
She is solid.
As for me, I am a watercolor.
I wash off.
I wash off.
Response Form
Title : For my Lover, Returning to His Wife
Author : Anne Sexton
Analyzer : Ifti Luthviana Dewi
This writer
(a women) is using first person as the point of view who tells her affair love
story with a marriage man. For me, it is quiet hard to be understood since the writer uses many
metaphors and gives implicit massages to the reader.
In line 1st-8th
the writer shows that his real wife is a perfect woman and she has anything that the man needs. Moreover, the real wife want to do anything for the
man, caring their children, cooking, and other activity related to the wife daily
duty. The woman gives her life to the man. //she always been there darling//
shows that the women always been there for any reason, yet ironically the
writer says ‘my darling’. It is implicit that actually the writer also really love the man. //let’s face it, I have been momentary// means that the writer position in
the man’s life is just temporary. In here the writer compares herself with the man’s real wife. The writer describes his wife with a good word perfectly, instead the writer
describe s herself poorly. It is shown in the line 10th-11th the
writer uses metaphor to describe herself that she is lack of self-confidence. In
the line 17th-28th the writer tells what the real wife had
done for his man, however the writer words reflect the deep hurt that the
writer feels. The writer also tries to pretend that she herself has a control as well as give permission to the man. Therefore she tells him to go back to his perfect real wife even she
still wants him too yet she literally knows that he will not leave his real wife only for her. It is
showed in the line 29th //I give you back your heart//I give you
In the last
line //as for me, Iam a water color// the writer pretend her as a watercolor
that easy to be erased. It means that now she is giving up and hoping that the man will
be easy to forget her. I think it has an implicit message that the writer wants to say good bye for the man.
Tutorial how to be a liar
Kamu jomblo? ngerasa bosen gitu gak kalo dibuli jomblo terus dan kamu juga belum kunjung mendapatkan pasangan. cobalah cara ini terus bisa lu aplot di ig dan ngetag instagram do'i juga biar keliatan gak jomblo
Alat :
Personal Computer
Bahan :
Photoshop cs berapapun nggakpapa, noprob, kalo aku pake photoshop cs2, biar nggak berat di pc
Photoshop cs berapapun nggakpapa, noprob, kalo aku pake photoshop cs2, biar nggak berat di pc
- Poto yang pengen lu jadiin menor
Cara kerja:
1. Yang pertama open poto kamu di photoshop
1. Yang pertama open poto kamu di photoshop
2. Atur pencahayaan dulu,
biar muka lu lebih terang,
Image-Adjustments-curves. Terus bakal muncul kotak kayak gini
Image-Adjustments-curves. Terus bakal muncul kotak kayak gini
titiknya, sampai pencahayaannya pas, terus klik OK
Nah agar nggak pucet, lipstick-an dulu dah. Klik pen tool pada toolbox, gambarnya kek gini nih
, seleksi bibir yang pengen di pakein
Nah agar nggak pucet, lipstick-an dulu dah. Klik pen tool pada toolbox, gambarnya kek gini nih

kayak gini nih

Terus klik kanan pada gambar yang
diseleksi, maka akan muncul box
Feather Radius diisi 6, anti
alasednya gausah dicentang, pastiin yang dipilih New Selection
Kalo udah klik OK
Setelah di klik OK, maka di
pinggir bibir ada kayak semut-semutnya gitu, itu tandanya bibirlu udah
4. Setelah di seleksi yaitu waktunya Pake Lipstick,
Klik Image-adjusment-color balance, terus muncul box
Color level : +77, -17, 0
Klik OK
Terus hasilnya kek gini

Nah itukan kurang seksi ya warnanya, biar seksi tambahin gelapnya, caranya image-adjustments-curves, titiknya ditarik kebawah, terus klik ok

Klik kanan pada foto, klik
deselect, biar seleksinya non aktif

5. Pake eyeliner, Ilangin kantung mata, sama eyeshadow
Klik Burn tool

Terus klik dodge tool
, klik kan pada bagian yang ingin diolesi efek
putih putih


6. Alisnya tebelin biar hitz kek sinchan
Pake burn tool kayak tadi, olesin ke alis

8. Save
Nah hasil akhirnya , itu tergantung muka dan keniatan kamu buat dandan yaa, berhubung yang jadiin poto ku, yaaa maklum lah nek mondo koyo badut
In this nice occasion, i would like to share my photos with my lovely friends when we were in International Culture Festival (we called FESBUD 2016).






Disadur dari Laporan GCF 2015 wkwwkwk
This event held by Yogyakarta State University 's UKM called Safel on April, 28th 2016. Took place at Yogyakarta State University
Auditorium, this festival started at 13.30pm. It was not free to enter
this event, participants could buy tickets at ticket booth in front of the
gate to get entry ticet and culinary coupons.
this festival, there are 6 country food and culture stands (like France,
Indonesia, Japan, South Korea, and many more), culture exhibitions, scholarship stand, dance and music performances,
door prizes, and photoboth.
the foods and cultures are amazing and the Festival was fabulous.
Can’t wait for the next International Culture festival.






Disadur dari Laporan GCF 2015 wkwwkwk
Can Social Pragmatic Skills Be Tested?
dis is such a Linguistic class assignment
Can Social Pragmatic Skills Be Tested?
Contributed by Beverly Vicker
By definition individuals with an
autism spectrum disorder have difficulty with what is called the pragmatic
aspect of language. Parents and speech language pathologists often ask, “What
test will demonstrate that my child (or student) has difficulties with
pragmatics?” This question reflects the assumption that there is such an
instrument. There isn’t one AND there may never be a singular effective
standardized test of pragmatic ability. While this response may come as a
shock, it may be more understandable if one knows more about the nature of
pragmatics and knows how one can assess pragmatic function.
What is
pragmatics and what does it involve?
If one has good pragmatic skills, he
or she is able to communicate an appropriate message in an effective manner
within a reasonable time frame in a real life situation. Pragmatics is like a
cake. The cake is the whole or gestalt that represents the combination of many
ingredients. No one ingredient is representative of the edible item, that we
call a “cake.” In a somewhat related fashion, as one continues the cake
analogy, no singular standardized test of ingredients can effectively capture
the essence of the whole or gestalt called “pragmatics.” In order to
communicate an appropriate message in a given situation, many ingredients have
to mesh in an instantaneous fashion. Within a few seconds or less, the
typical communicator must:
- Note the current social situation in which the
communication interaction is occurring, including the nonverbal cues.
- Pay attention and receive the complete verbal
message delivered by the speaker.
- Analyze the meaning of the verbal and nonverbal
messages within the context of the conversational situation.
- Check the tentative interpretation of the
messages against one’s bank of social knowledge.
- Formulate a response inside one’s head based on
the above, after considering several possible options.
- Draw upon one’s knowledge of vocabulary and
- Speak or generate the message in a manner that is
understandable to others.
- Be prepared to receive and analyze the new
incoming message response, complete with its nonverbal and hidden
- Begin the cycle all over again.
This sounds like quite a task, but
typical speakers do it all the time with little effort. For the person with an
autism spectrum disorder, such situations often represent a serious challenge.
What can
contribute to poor social pragmatic skills in a given situation?
The potential for difficulty or lack
of effectiveness in any given situation is ample. A person may have difficulty
because of one or more of the following reasons. He or she may have:
- Limited awareness that a message is being
directed to him or her.
- Difficulty distilling the auditory message amid
competing incoming sensory stimuli.
- Difficulty processing the message of the
communication partner because the communication partner:
- Spoke rapidly;
- Used vocabulary that was unfamiliar to the
- Spoke about events that were of no interest to
the listener;
- Spoke about unfamiliar events, ideas, or
- Used grammar that was too complex for the
- Used figurative language that made
interpretation difficult; or
- Used gestures that were distracting and
meaningless for the listener.
Limited knowledge about the social world, including understanding the
mental state/perspective of the communication partner.
- Difficulty sifting through all the confusing
information and meshing it with stored knowledge/social skills training in
a rapid fashion.
One may or may not have had the appropriate social skill knowledge. One may have misread the social setting or been oblivious to certain cues. The important issue, however, is whether one can access that social knowledge on the spot and use it in a real situation to guide a response, even though one might feel confused, anxious, over-stimulated, or rushed. - Difficulty planning the response in terms of
message intent, vocabulary and syntax.
Some individuals may experience word-finding problems and have considerable difficulty using mature and complex language forms to express their ideas. Individuals often have difficulty understanding that they must consider the other person’s background and perspective. Too often, the listener furnishes too little information to facilitate meaningful understanding. - Delivery of the message may be too rapid or too
choppy to be intelligible or understandable.
Even speakers without ASD “ flub up” in various situations because they are nervous or anxious. The message may be very clear inside the head of the speaker but getting the communication partner to understand the message intent can be a challenge. A smooth and effective delivery style is not always easy.
So much effort may have gone into formulating the first response that the person with ASD isn’t prepared to begin the process again without more of a break. Other individuals with ASD may be very used to one-turn conversations and not have any expectation that a second response will be expected.
How does one
assess pragmatics?
When one considers the complexity of
the process listed above, it is understandable why a singular formal test would
not accurately identify something as complex and context based as pragmatic
problems. Pragmatics represents the whole act of communication and is not
simply a sum of the parts.
One might, however, initially
identify that an individual has a problem with pragmatics (the whole) and
particular situations that present problems by:
- Observing the person with ASD.
- Interviewing numerous people about what
communication situations are challenging and identification of particular
- Completing inventories or checklists.
- Using informal situations to sample the person’s
ability to deal with specific communication challenges.
For an elementary school age
student, this might translate into an observation in the classroom during group
instruction and small group sessions, at recess, and in the lunchroom. Parents,
teachers, aides and peers might contribute useful information during an
interview or through a checklist. The student him or herself also might
be able to identify situations that represent a challenge by completing a
checklist. Challenging situations could be embedded within the daily routine so
that the student might demonstrate how he manages situations such as being
overlooked as papers are passed out, someone teasing him, or needing to ask for
assistance with a difficult task. This type of data is called qualitative data.
This data collection method is used to analyze complex behaviors such as social
interaction. Qualitative data can be as legitimate as quantitative data (test
scores) for decision-making about programming needs if it has been collected in
an appropriate manner.
Does formal
testing have a place in the assessment of pragmatic skills?
The Test of Pragmatic Language,
for example, attempts to look at the application of social knowledge. The test
involves pictured situations and requires responding to static, non-emotional, decontextualized
situations. The examiner provides information about the situation and asks what
the person might say in that situation. The test can provide some information
about social knowledge but one has to understand the limitations. If one has
been taught about certain social situations and has good associational recall,
one might be able to pass the test. This same person may have significant
problems with natural pragmatic situations, however, when he or she is in a
real life situation. He or she may have great difficulty coping with emotions
and/or may be in sensory overload. He or she might be clueless about the
subtleties of the situation. He or she may be unable to manage the demand for a
rapid processing of information. And, he or she may be unable to deal with the
rapid need for formulation and delivery of an appropriate response. In other
words, the test produces false negative data for some children because it
cannot capture enough of the holistic demands of real life situations.
Emotional state, not measured by the test, can play an important role in how
well one can use what he or she knows. The degree of challenge emanating from
the demands will differ by individual and by specific situation.
Other types of formal testing might
be used if the purpose is clearly defined and the results reviewed within the
holistic context that pragmatics represent. For example, if it is suspected
that the student has trouble with understanding complex grammar, this could be
probed. Intervention focused on only this one underpinning element, however,
may or may not improve pragmatic abilities unless coupled with increasing
social knowledge. The reverse is also true. If one learns more about social
knowledge, one may still be ineffective in real situations because other
significant components collectively also impact performance. It may be very
important to screen or evaluate selective contributing elements such as
vocabulary, word retrieval, event representation skills, and so forth and
consider these as one attempts to improve pragmatic skills for a specific
By definition, individuals with an
autism spectrum disorder will have difficulty with social pragmatic function.
It does not take formal testing to identify that a social pragmatic problem
exists. No singular test can evaluate the complexity of situational pragmatic
skills. Passing a test such as the Test of Pragmatic Language can
represent a false negative and exclude someone from needed support and
intervention. Sometimes information from selective tests or subtests that probe
specific elements that contribute to pragmatic competency, however, might be
helpful for program design. Scoring within normal limits, however, on any of
these tests does not mean that there is no pragmatic disorder but rather that
one of the components, under specific conditions, does not seem to be a major
Qualitative data is legitimate and
can be gathered through various means. Individuals will differ in terms of how
effective they are in specific situations, with specific partners, and as the
mental and emotional demands of situations change. The complexity of pragmatics
must be considered as intervention programs are designed.
Hey youuuuuuuu you lets take a look for my article. I wrote dis on my writing class yeah. sebenernya writing class itu kalo suruh buat apapun itu biasanya aku buatnya pake katakata yang terlalu tinggi dan hoax hoax gitu, sekali kali lah bikin yang agak bermanfaat buat yang kadang iri sama poto gua yaang badannya kliatan kurus gitoh. so here is
Hey youuuuuuuu you lets take a look for my article. I wrote dis on my writing class yeah. sebenernya writing class itu kalo suruh buat apapun itu biasanya aku buatnya pake katakata yang terlalu tinggi dan hoax hoax gitu, sekali kali lah bikin yang agak bermanfaat buat yang kadang iri sama poto gua yaang badannya kliatan kurus gitoh. so here is
It will be
difficult for you who have pudgy body to choose clothes that you want to wear. If
you’re such a girl that really think of your appearance, you certainly will try
hard to choose the clothes so that you can step forward beautifully as well as makes you look
slim. The followings are tips and tricks how to choose clothes for a pudgy
The first tip
is wearing clothes with vertical stripes. Small vertical stripes will create
visual illusion. It can help you to have taller impression and it can reduce
your fatter look. If you wear clothes with horizontal stripe or you like to
wear clothes with big pattern, it makes you became fatter indeed.
The second tip
is do not wear either it loose clothes or tidy clothes. There are many pudgy
girls in this world do a same mistake that is wearing the loose clothes for
hiding her body shape. Actually, wearing tidy clothes or too small clothes is
also not appropriate, since it makes your fat in your whole body look be
gathered. So, choose and wear clothes that are fit and suitable with your body
shape. Avoid wearing straight and expand clothes that surely make you look
bigger. If it is needed, you can use corset for shaping your body and it is
better if you wear a blouse that can cover your thighs.
The last tip is
wearing dark color. Black or navy are the first options in selecting clothes
color. Dark clothes are able to hide saggy parts of the body, especially your belly and waist. Therefore, it will give you slimmer impression. On the other
hand, bright color makes everyone around you just focus on you and your body
(you guys know lah kalo pake baju warna ngejreng gitu lu kliatan kek gimana). Dark
clothes are also proper to be woren in every occasion and they are easily
matched with other colors. Nowadays, there are many dark clothes available with
many long sleeve’s designs. Using the long sleeve like this can cover your arm’s
fat. Yet sometimes, using dark color will make your appearance look plain. So
you could add some accessories or use bright color’s shoes.
Choosing suitable
clothes for pudgy girl is hard but it does not mean that pudgy girl cannot be
stylish like the other slim girls (like me of course). However, the important
key is you should be confident with everything that you wear.
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