School name                        : Fun English Club
Subject                                : English
Level                                    : L1 A-Spider
Theme                                 : Meal Time
Skills                                    : Reading-Writing
Time allocation                   : 40 minutes
Competencies                      : Written
Indicators                            :
ü  Students are able to spell the name of foods.
ü  Students are able to write kinds of food.
ü  Students are able to do the teacher’s instructions.
Learning materials             :
Vocabulary                           : Foods (Apple, Orange, Pear, Banana, Strawberry, Watermelon, Sandwich, Ice Cream, Sausage, Pizza, etc)
Functional expressions         : “Do you have an ice cream?’
                                               “Yes, I do.”
                                               “No, I don’t”
                                               “I like ice cream.”
                                               “Can you spell it?”
                                                “Yes, I can. I-c-e c-r-e-a-m”
                                                “This is for you”
Grammar                              : Simple present
Teaching technique            : PPP (presentation, practice, production)
Teaching stages                  :
1.        Pre-teaching (10 minutes)

Teacher’s activities
Students activities
Teacher’s expressions
The teacher comes in the class and greets the students.
The students responds to the teacher’s greeting
Good afternoon everybody.
How are you all today?
The teacher leads the students to pray.
Together with the teacher, the students say a prayer.
Before we start our class today, let’s pray together, shall we.
Calling the roll
The teacher checks the students’ attendance. It can be done by calling the students’ names or singing a song.
The students respond to the teacher’s calling the roll.
Where is ….? 2X
Here Iam. 2X
How are you this afternoon? 2X
Fine Thank you. 2X

The teacher asks the students about the foods they have learnst last Monday
The students mention the foods
What have you learn on the last last Monday, kids?
What have you learn Haya?
Can you menation it Aryo? (one by one from Aryo)

2.    While Teaching (20 minutes)

Teacher’s activities
Students activities
Teacher’s expressions

The teacher ask the students to sing “Do you like brocolli? Yes I do” song together.

The teacher asks the student whether they have known how to spell alphabet.

The teacher show the students alphabet song.

The teacher asks the students to sing alphabet song together.

The teacher write the alphabet with the pronunciation.

The teacher asks the students to sing alphabet sing again by reading the alphabet in the board. (without video).
The teacher asks the students one by one to spell the name of foods. (sandwich, ice cream, apple, pear, and sausage).
The students sing along with the teacher.

The students asnwer the teacher’s question and prove.

The students watch the video.

The students sing along with the teacher.

The students see the teacher is doing.

The students sing along with the teacher without seeing the video but the teacher’s work.
The students spell the name of foods one by one.
Ok everyone. Who is here remember the song? Let’s sing together.

Next question, can you menation what foods are mentioned in the song? Can you spell them?
Because there is some of you who haven’t known yet about how to pronounce the alphabet, mr . Wakhid will show you a video.
Let’s sing together everyone.

Now, mr. Wakhid will write the alphabet here and you say the pronunciation, ok?
Let’s sing again.

Now, can you one by one spell the name of foods that Mr. Wakhid write onthe board?


The teacher distributes flashcards to the students.

The teacher gives them instruction to do the competition game.

The teacher asks the students to stand up and collect the cards.

The teacher asks the students one by one about what foods they have already collected.
The students get the flascards.

The students listen to the teacher’s instruction.

The students stand up and ask his/her friens to collect the cards.

The students tell his/her friends and teacher in front of the class about cards they have collected.
Do you want to play a game? Ok here are the cards.

Now, you have to collect the foods written in the card by asking your friends and you have to spell the name of the foods first to get the cards.
Now, stand up please kids.

Ok, times up guys. How many cards you have collected, Haya?


The teacher asks the students to make a circle.

The teacher put the flashcards and a dice in the middle of the circle.

The teacher give an instruction how to do “making sentences game”

The teacher asks the students to hompimpa.

The teacher engages in the game with the students.
The students make a circle.

The students sit in a circle.

The students listen to the teacher

The students have hompimpa.

The students practicing the game.
Ok everyone. Now please make a circle here with me.
Mr. Wakhid have cards and a dice. I will put them in the middle of us. Here.

Listen to me please everyone. First, you have todo hompima, second, you have to throw the dice and after that you have to write a sentence on the board. (e.g: “I have six ice cream.”)

Ok now, do the hompimpa. Hompimpa alaium gambreng.

Who’s the first? Raynard.

3.      Post Teaching (10 minutes)

Teacher’s activities
Students activities
Teacher’s expressions
The teacher asks the students what they have learnt today.
The students mention foods they have learnt.
-What we have learnt today?
The teacher asks the students’ feeling towards the lesson.
The students tell the teacher what they feel.
-What do you feel after this learning?
The teacher asks the students to pray.
The students together with the teacher say a prayer.
-Let’s pray together, shall we.
The teacher says good bye to the students.
The students respond to the teacher’s greeting.
-Alright, that’s all for today.
-See you on the next week.
-Thank you.

Learning resources            : Songs and a video.
Teaching aids/media          : Flascards, cards of pictures, and a dice.
Assessment                          :
1.        Technique                      : Written
2.        Form                              : Action
3.        Instrument                     : Instruction

Attachment (lampiran materi yang akan diberikan)

Text Box: Apple   Broccoli
Banana   Carrot
apel              banana

Text Box: Apple   Broccoli
Banana   Carrot
Text Box: Apple   Broccoli
Banana   Carrot
broccoli-clipart-3                       Text Box: Banana   Broccoli
Apple   Carrot

Text Box: Cake   Burger
Fried chicken  Ice cream
Text Box: Cake   Burger
Fried chicken  Ice cream
cake         fried chicken

Text Box: Cake   Burger
Fried chicken  Ice cream
Text Box: Cake   Burger
Fried chicken  Ice cream
hamburger             ice cream

Text Box: Hotdog   Meatball
Orange   Pizza
Text Box: Hotdog   Meatball
Orange   Pizza
hotdog meatball

Text Box: Hotdog   Meatball
Orange   Pizza
Text Box: Hotdog   Meatball
Orange   Pizza
orange           pizza

Text Box: Pop corn  Sandwich
Satay   Sausage
Text Box: Pop corn  Sandwich
Satay   Sausage
pop corn                       sandwich

Text Box: Pop corn  Sandwich
Satay   Sausage
Text Box: Pop corn  Sandwich
Satay   Sausage
satay            sausage

Text Box: Spaghetti  Strawberry
Tomato   Watermelon
Text Box: Spaghetti  Strawberry
Tomato   Watermelon
spaghetti             strawberry

Text Box: Spaghetti  Strawberry
Tomato   Watermelon
Text Box: Spaghetti  Strawberry
Tomato   Watermelon
tomato               watermelon

Yogyakarta,3 March 2016
School principle

(Wakhid Aji Nugroho)

(Wakhid Aji Nugroho)

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