LESSON PLAN Parts of the body

Parts of the body
by Ifti Luthviana Dewi

Subject                         : English
Class/ Semester           : III / 1
Topic/theme                : Parts of the body
Text type                     : oral
Skill                             : listening            
Time allocation            : 20 minutes
A.          Objective
         Students understand parts of the body.
Students understand how to respond to instructions given.
B.            Indicator         
Students are able to mention parts of the body.
Students are able to give responses to instructions given.

C.          Material
·      Song                   : Hockey Pockey
Lyric             : You put one hand in
  You put one hand out
  You put one hand in
  And shake shake shake shake shake
     You do the hockey pockey
  And turn around
  Everybody turn around
Two hands   - clap your hands
One foot       - sit down
Two feet       - stand up
Head            - sing a song (la laaa la laaa laaa laaa)
Your back side – be quiet (sssshhhhhh)
Whole self in   - take a bow

·      Media                 : pictures, video
·      Expressions        : Put your one hand in
  Put your one hand out
·      Structure            : (imperative form)
  Put your one hand in
  Shake, shake, shake, shake
·      Vocabulary         : Parts of the body (hand, foot, back) and action verbs (sit down, clap, turn around,      stand up, sing a song)
D.          Technique
         PPP (presentation, practice, production)
A.          Teaching Stages

1.      Pre-teaching      
The teacher comes in the class and greets the students.
The students responds to the teacher’s greeting
The teacher leads the students to pray.
Together with the teacher, the students say a prayer.
Calling the roll
The teacher checks the students’ attendance. It can be done by calling the students’ names or singing a song.
The students respond to the teacher’s calling the roll.
The teacher asks some questions about the previous topic to the students.
The students answer the questions from the teacher.
2.      Whilst Teaching 

The teacher introduces some parts of the body found in Hockey Pockey song.

The teacher plays or sings Hockey Pockey song.

The teacher introduces other parts of the body by pointing the parts meant or by showing pictures.

The teacher shows each picture again or point again to the body part and have students repeat the words until they can pronounce each body part without help.

The teacher gives simple instructions like in the song and give examples on how to respond to them.
Eg. Put your one hand in.”, the teacher acts it out by putting his/her right hand in. ”Put your one hand out.”, the teacher puts his/her right hand out.

The students listen to the teacher’s explanation.

The students listen to the song to learn the expressions to give instructions.
Students learn the parts of the body introduced by the teacher.

Students repeat the words of body parts.

Students pay attention to the teacher who gives examples on how to responds to instructions.


The teacher asks the students to point at their body parts as said by the teacher to show they understand.

The students point at/ touch the body part said by the teacher.

The teacher gives some instructions orally to the students using parts of the body and action verbs.

The teacher asks the students to respond to the instructions given.

For example:
“Stand up, please.
Touch your right arm, please
Shake your head, please.
Lift up your left leg, please.
Close your eyes, please.”

A student who makes a mistake can take a turn to give instructions.
The students give response to the teacher’s instruction. 

If they make mistakes, they have to be the one who gives instructions in turn.
3.      Post Teaching
The teacher asks the students what they have learnt today.
The students mention things they have learnt.
The teacher assigns homework to do related to the topic/theme.
The students take notes on the assignment given.
The teacher asks the students’ feeling towards the lesson.
The students tell the teacher what they feel.
The teacher asks the students to pray.
The students together with the teacher say a prayer.
The teacher says good bye to the students.
The students respond to the teacher’s greeting.

F.    Assessment
1.      Technique           : oral
2.      Form                   : action
3.      Instrument          : instructions

G.        Assessment Rubrics
~ Being able to mention parts of the body correctly.
~ Being able to respond to the instructions given by the teacher.

                                                                    Sleman, 1 November 2017

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