by Ifti Luthviana Dewi

Subject                        : English
Grade                          : III
Topic/Theme             : Fruit
Text Type                   : Oral
Skill                             : Listening            
Time Allocation        : 25 Minutes
A.          Objective
         Students understand names of fruits.
Students understand how to respond to instructions given.
B.            Indicator         
Students are able to mention name of fruits.
Students are able to give responses to instructions given.

C.          Material
·       Learning resource   : Craft
·       Media                         : Video
·       Expressions              : What is it?
It is a ...
Fold the paper into a half
Stick the half of one picture to a half of another picture.
·  Vocabulary          : Name of fruits (Apple, Banana, cherry, grape, kiwi, mango, orange, pineapple, strawberry, watermelon, lemon)
D.          Technique
         PPP (presentation, practice, production)

E.           Teaching Stages
1.      Pre-teaching      :

The teacher
The students
coming in the class and greeting the students.
responding to the teacher’s greeting
§ Hello, good morning?
§ How are you?
leading the students to pray.
Together with the teacher, the students saying a prayer.
Before we start the class let’s pray together
Calling the roll
checking the students’ attendance. It can be done by calling the students’ names or singing a song.
responding to the teacher’s calling the roll.
Who is absent today? Why?
asking some questions to the students about the name of fruit they know
answering the questions from the teacher.
§ Do you know apple?
§ Do you ever eat banana?
§ Do you know what these are?
§ All of them are fruits.

2.      While Teaching
The Teacher
The students

playing video about fruit

listening and watching to the video about the name of fruits.
§ Now, Miss Ifti would like to play a video.
§ Can you guess what the video is about? Yes you’re right. It is the video about fruits.
§ Please listen and watch the video.


showing each picture again or point and ask students to repeat the words until they can pronounce correectly.
repeating the words of fruits.
Repeat after me
æpl /
/ bənɑnə /
/ ˈtʃeri /
/ ɡreɪp /
/ ˈkiːwiː /
/ ˈmæŋɡəʊ /
/ ˈɒrɪndʒ /
/ ˈpaɪnæpl /
/ ˈstrɔːbəri /
/ ˈwɔːtəmelən /
pointing the fruits pictures from the video then mention the name.
learning the name of fruits by the teacher.
What is it?
It is an apple.
What is it?
It is a banana. etc
asking the students what is the color of the fruit.
answering the teacher questions.
What is the colour of apple?
What is the colour grape?

dividing the students into 5 groups. One group consists of 4 students.
counting 1-5.

Ok, I want you to make a group of four. Please count 1 until 5.
asking the students to sit with their group.
moving their sit to their group.
Now you can sit with your group.
Group one sit in here, group three here etc
Spreading the envelopes
Receiving the envelopes
This is the envelopes, in this envelopes, there are 4 kinds of fruit. Then one student get one fruit. Do you understand guys?
Explaining what they are going to do
Listening to the teacher
Well, now we are going to make fruits with paper. The product will be like this but with different fruits (showing the example of fruit that have done by the teacher).
Are you interested?
Please listen to me how to make this fruit step by step, okay? Are you ready?
giving some instructions orally to the students using action verbs.
giving response to the teacher’s instruction. 
1. Prepare your glue, one group one glue
Have you get a glue?
2. One group get one envelope. Do you get your envelope?
3. Then, take what is in the envelope. One students should have one kind of fruit. Have you done?
4. Then, the first step is: Take two pictures, Fold into a half like this.
5. Stick the half of one picture to a half of another picture.
6. Take the other 2 pictures
7. Fold it like we have done before
8. Stick it one another.
9. Do it again until all the pictures are used up
10. Have you done with your work? Show it to your friends.

3.      Post Teaching
The Teacher
The Students
asking the students what they have learnt today.
mentioning things they have learnt.
Okay what have you learned today guys? What fruit that you have made?
asking the students’ feeling towards the lesson.
telling the teacher what they feel.
Are you happy?
However, the time is over and its time to go home. We can continue our class next meeting.
asking the students to pray.
together with the teacher saying a prayer.
And before we end the class, please say a single prayer first. Shall we. Thank you.
saying good bye to the students.
responding to the teacher’s greeting.
That's all for today, see you next time
F.    Assessment
1.      Technique           : Oral
2.      Form                   : Action
3.      Instrument          : Instructions

G.        Assessment Rubrics
1.       Being able to mention the name of fruits correctly.
2.       Being able to respond to the instructions given by the teacher.

                                                                  Yogyakarta, 27 Desember 2017

How to Make a Fruit From Paper
  1. Glue
  2. Fruit picture (from paper)
  3. Scissor

1.      Take two pictures,
2.      Fold into a half like this.
3.      Stick the half of one picture to a half of another picture.
4.      Take the other 2 pictures
5.      Fold it like we have done before
6.      Stick it one another.
7.      Do it again until all the pictures are used up
8.      Have you done with your work?
9.      Show it to your friends.

The final result:
The pictures

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