Kumpulan soal reading Narrative text

 by Ifti Luthviana Dewi

Kompetensi Dasar Bahasa Inggris
Kelas                                  : IX
Mata Pelajaran                   : Bahasa Inggris
Aspect                               : Reading skills
Topic                                  : Narrative text and Fairy tales
Kompetensi Dasar
Materi Pokok
3.7 membandingkan fungsi sosial, struktur teks, dan unsur kebahasaan beberapa teks naratif lisan dan tulis dengan memberi dan meminta informasi terkait fairytales, pendek dan sederhana, sesuai dengan konteks penggunaannya

·         Fungsi sosial
Mendapatkan/memberikan hiburan, mengambil teladan nilai-nilai luhur
·         Struktur teks
Dapat mencakup: Orientation, complication, resolution, reorientation
·         Unsur kebahasaan
- Kalimat deklaratif dan interogatif dalam simple past tense
- Frasa adverbia: a long time ago, once upon a time, in the end, happily ever after
- Nomina singular dan plural dengan atau tanpa a, the, this, those, my, their, dsb.
·         Topik
Cerita yang memberikan keteladanan dan dapat menumbuhkan perilaku yang termuat di KI
·       Mengidentifikasi fungsi teks, moral value dan isi teks
·       Siswa mengidentifikasi sktruktur text narrative
·       Siswa mengidentifikasi tense yang digunakan dalam teks naratif
·       Siswa menyebutkan frasa adverbial, nomina singular dan plural.

Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi fungsi teks, moral value dan isi teks
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi pemahaman teks, tense, sinonim dan antonym yang digunakan dalam teks naratif,
Multiple choice
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi sktruktur text
Jumbled paragraph
Siswa dapat mengidentifikasi kata yang tepat dan tense yang digunakan dalam teks naratif
Cloze text

  1. Essay
Text Box: Rose for Mother
A man stopped at a flower shop to order flowers to be wired to his mother who lived two hundred miles away. As he got out of his car, he noticed a young girl sitting on the curb sobbing. He asked her what was wrong and she replied, “I wanted to buy a red rose for my mother. However, I only have seventy-five cents and a rose costs two dollars.”
The man smile and said, “come in with me, I will buy you a rose.” He bought the little girl a red rose and ordered his own mother’s flowers. As they were leaving, he offered the girl a ride home. She said, “Yes, please! You can take me to my mother.” She directed him to a cemetery, where she placed the rose on a freshly dug grave. 
The man returned to the flower shop, canceled the wire order, picked up a bouquet and drove two hundred miles to his mother’s house. 
(Source: www.moralstories.org/rose-for-mother/)

1. What happened to the little girl?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………..
2.      What do you think would happen when the mas arrived at his mother’s house?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………..

3.      What can you learn from the story?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………..
4.      What do the readers probably feel after reading the story?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………..
5.      What is the main idea of the last paragraph?
Answer: ………………………………………………………………………..

  1. Multiple choice
Many years ago, there lived a hermit in a forest in Sumatra. He did not grow food but depended on jungle fruit to survive. Soon, there was a drought, and all plants and fruit trees in the jungle died.
The old man had nothing to eat now, so he turned to begging. He went to a nearby village trying to get some food, at first, the villagers were happy to help him. However, when he came continually, they refused to give him anymore food. They told him to grow his own food.
One day, while the hermit was sitting in his hut, sad and hungry, he began to think about growing his own food. Just then, a boatman stopped by, and taking pity on the hermit, then he gave him some paddy seeds.
Before the boatman went away, he said, “These seeds will grow and give you everlasting harvest if you work very hard. If you are tired of the work, the paddy plants will turn into weeds.”
The old hermit worked hard to clear the land and sowed the seeds before the rains came. Strangely, after a short period of time, the paddy was ready for harvesting. The old man got a lot of rice from the harvest. After each harvest, the plants grew back again right away. When the villagers heard about the hermit and his wonderful paddy, they flocked to his paddy-field and took home as much paddy as they could.
One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the paddy that he shouted, “Oh, stop  growing, you wretched thing!” as soon as he had said this, the paddy plants turned into weeds.
1.      The main idea of the fifth paragraph is…
a.       The seeds should be sown before the rains came
b.      It needed a short time to harvest the paddy
c.       The hermit was successful as a farmer
d.      The hermit should clear the land
e.       The succession of paddy harvest
2.      Why did the paddy plants turn into weeds?
a.       The hermit got angry with the villagers.
b.      The hermit stopped growing the paddy plants.
c.       The villagers grew weeds instead of paddy plants.
d.      The villagers took as much as paddy they could.
e.       The hermit shouted ordering the paddy plants to stop growing.
3.      “One day, the hermit became so tired of harvesting the paddy that he shouted”. The synonym of the word ‘shouted’ is…
a.       Roared
b.      Whispered
c.       Mumbled
d.      Muttered
e.       Hushed
4.      “Oh, stop growing, you wretched thing”. The antonym of the word ‘wretched’ is …
a.       Awful
b.      Annoying
c.       Pitiful
d.      Pleasant
e.       Unhappy
5.      Which statement is true about the hermit?
a.       He lived in a small town in Sumatra
b.      He went to the villager to ask for some food
c.       He liked to give the villagers fruit and paddy
d.      He died in a jungle when there was drought
e.       He hated begging though there was nothing to eat
6.      The moral teaching we can get from the story is…
a.       When somebody begged he became a hermit
b.      One will get what he wants if he tries it hard
c.       One will fail  whatever hard he tries it
d.      Somebody will get bad luck if he is reluctant to make effort
e.       When one truly makes effort, he will eventually fail

  1. Jumbled paragraph
Text Box: When the farmer discovered that the bird was gone, he was so upset that he went out to look for it. Eventually, he found it again and was greeted happily by the whole family of the bird. As a sign of their thanks for his care and attention, the birds gave him a little box, and told him not to open it until he got home.


Text Box: Left alone, the farmer went to live near his friend, the birds. There he built a hut of perfumed wood, and the birds decorated it with flowers of every kind.

Text Box: After some time, the wing mended and because the bird did not want the farmer to have kept on arguing with his wife all the time. It decided to go back to its nest.

Text Box: A farmer came across a bird with a broken wing. He picked it up, took it home, and looked after it lovingly, even though his wife complained bitterly about his wasting too much time on the creature.

Text Box: To his surprise, the farmer found the box full of precious stones. When his wife saw them, she decided that she to deserve a reward, and then she went to see the birds. The birds gave her a little casket; but this one was full of devils. The devils jumped on her as soon as she opened the casket and chased her away.


1.   Orientation          :
2.   Complication       :
3.   Resolution           :
4.   Reorientation       :

  1. Cloze text
At the second break, I (1)…. A storybook about a handsome and brave prince who (2)…. trying to free a princess from giant, at the library. I hadn’t finished reading when I fell asleep. In my dream, I was the prince who fought the giant. The giant pushed me and I (3)….  into the ground. Suddenly, I heard people laugh. I opened my eyes and (4)…. several students looking and laughing at me. I was (3)….  But I finally realized what had happened. I slept and dreamt about the prince. To make matters worse, I fell from the chair when the giant (5)….. me, in my dream.
1.       ….

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