Sample Of Letter

Ifti Luthviana Dewi
15 Parangtritis Street
Bantul 55781

10th September 2016

Mr. Mustofa, Store Manager
Naupal Pustaka Press
02 Tentara Pelajar Street
Yogyakarta 55782

Dear Mr. Mustofa,
We apologize for not delivering the books to you on time. Unfortunately, the material to make the books came late and we needed some changes in cover, the work can't be done by the target date that has been set and it will take several more days to complete. To ensure that this does not happen again, we have gained new workers and they will help us to do the work.
We should have all the books ready with the perfect cover by Sunday of next week, and I will deliver them to you at that time.
If there is any information you require, or if you would like to discuss this with me, I am available via phone: 085725906082. Thank you for your patience and assistance with this matter.


                                                                        Ifti Luthviana Dewi

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