Language Teaching Materials and Learner Motivation

Language Teaching Materials and Learner Motivation
by Ifti Luthviana
Success in Second Language Acquisition (SLA) depends on a variety of factors such as the amount of exposure to the natural target language practice, the duration and intensity of the language course, and last but not the least, the characteristics of the language learner. Motivation, one element of the learner characteristics that has the most important factors in in Second Language Acquisition (SLA). Cohen and Dörnyei (2002) contended that motivation is the key learner variable and nothing much happens without it. The more motivation they may have, the more effort they tend to put into learning the language. Therefore, teachers’ biggest concern is always whether students are well motivated and willing to learn what they teach.
Language teaching materials are having a very important effect and role in language learning and teaching activities. It showed that motivation could come from teaching materials. Therefore, this speech today will be focused on how different materials motivate students.
There are many factors which affect student's motivation towards teaching materials, such as the interest in the subject matter, the level of difficulty, the relevance to existing knowledge, and the perception of usefulness.
The first category, is the interest in the subject matter, it is related to intrinsic motivation and it focused on the individual’s inherent curiosity and desire to know more about something, they enjoy working with that subject matter. Interest can hold students attention, encourage effort, and support learning activity. Yet, there are many ways to attract their interest, for example in teaching reading the teacher can give Authentic materials or “real-life texts”, which are not written for pedagogic purposes. Like “up-to-date newspaper or news” and related to hot topic. Guariento & Morley (2001) stated that extracting real information from a real text in a new/different language can be extremely motivating, therefore increasing students' motivation for learning can be by exposing them to 'real' language. Authentic texts can be motivating because it has been proven that the language is used for real-life purposes and giving the reader the opportunity to gain real information and know what is going on in the world around them. Another example is using pictures, one of visual materials that could attract students’ interest and attention. The more the teacher uses visual and audio materials during the course, the better students concentrate on the lesson.

The second is the level of difficulty. it concerns in the difficulty of material and students familiarity with the task type. For example when reading a text about something that the students are not familiar with and the degree of difficulty is beyond their caability, they find it difficult to comprehend the materials or maybe they use a dictionary many times to check vocabulary As a result, they felt that the material was unsatisfying. It shows that the difficulty of teaching materials decreases motivation. The level of difficulty can be considered as the most important factor. It is not surprising that students are more willing to participate in a task if it does not require too much effort. And one of the most demotivating factors for learners is when they have to learn something that they are not familiar with.

The third is relevant to their knowledge. It refers to the extent to which the student feels that the material is connected to important personal needs, values, or goals. For example teacher should try to create learning materials that are relevant to students' lives. One of effective strategies is connecting the subject with your students' culture, outside interests or social lives. Cunningsworth (1984) also stressed that the materials should meet students’ needs: “Students particularly more sophisticated adults need to feel that the materials from which they are learning have to be connected with the real world and at the same time they must be related positively to the aspects of their inner make up such as age, level of education, social attitudes, the intellectual ability and level of emotional maturity.”

The last is the perception of usefulness. Or Exploitability which refers to how the material or text can be used to develop the students’ competence as readers. So, a text that can not be exploited for teaching purposes has no use in the classroom. Just because it is in English does not mean that it can be useful. For example, a student is interested in the material since they think it is not difficult for them and it is useful in his everyday life. Another example is when the topic of the material is related to their future work or background, so that they may think that the material is useful to support their dream. According to this research, students will be motivated to learn when they regard the material as worth learning.

Therefore, it can be concluded the teacher must understand the importance and effects of teaching materials in language learning. Moreover, we must consider many factors that affect student's motivation towards teaching materials: the interest in the subject matter, the level of difficulty, the relevance to existing knowledge, and the perception of usefulness.




1.     Check in airport
Wookie and his wife, Vivin, are going to UK for holiday. They are flying from Yogyakarta. When they arrived at the airport, they go to check-in desk and meet an Officer.
Officer                         : “Good morning Sir”
Wookie                        : “Good morning”
Officer                         : “Can I have your ticket, please?”
Wookie                        : “Here you are”
Officer                         : “Is anybody else travelling with you two?”
Wookie                        : “No. It’s just us”
Officer                         : “Thank you. Would you like a window or an aisle seat?”
Wookie                        : “I’d prefer a window seat in the smoking section, please.”
Officer                         :  “I am afraid this is non-smoking flight, sir. But you can have a window seat.
Wookie                        : “Okay no problem. But I would like to sit next to my lovely wife.”
Officer                         : “I am placing you two in 51A and 51 B. Here is your boarding pass. Have a nice flight”
Wookie                        : “Thank you”

2.     Passport control
After landed in France, Wookie and his wife go to passport control desk, and meet other officer there.
Officer                         : “Good morning. Welcome to France. Where are you coming from?”
Wookie                        : “We are coming from Yogyakarta, Indonesia”
Officer                         : “May I see your passport, please?”
Wookie                        : “Sure, Here you are”
Officer                         : “What is the purpose of your visit Sir? For business or pleasure?”
Wookie                        : “Pleasure, We are here for holiday”
Officer                         : “oh I see. How long are you going to stay in France?
Wookie                        : “We are going to stay for two weeks”
Officer                         : “What is your occupation?”
Wookie                        : “I work as a Director of my family printing office company”
Officer                         : “Yes, I get it. Well, have a nice trip and enjoy your stay”
Wookie                        : “Thank you”
Officer                         : “With my pleasure”

3.     On the craft
Wookie              : “Excuse me, what time will the air plane reach France?”
Flight attendant : “It will reach France by 09.10 am”
Wookie              : “Okay. Thank you. Anyway, I do not have dinner last night. So, does this plane provide foods?”
Flight attendant : “Yes, we do. What would you like to eat?”
Wookie              : “I’d like a roasted chicken if you have it”
Flight attendant : “Sure. Do you want anything else?”
Wookie              : “And two glasses of hot green tea, please”
Flight attendant : “Alright Sir. Just give me a moment”.
Flight attendant : “Here is the food you are asked and two hot green tea”.
Wookie              : “Thank you very much. Could I get another blanket, please? My wife beside me feels little cold”.
Flight attendant : “Would you like anything else?”
Wookie              : “I think no, Thank you”
Flight attendant : “You’re welcome. I will be right back with your blanket”.

4.     Accepting an Invitation
One of the committee of Vocal contest held by UNY, send an email to Kangen Band manager in order to invite them to be a guest star. After sending an email, the committee confirms the invitation with the band by telephone.
Committee           : “Good morning. I’d like to speak to the manager of Kangen Band, please”
Manager              : “This is the manager speaking”
Committee           : “I am the committee of Vocal contest. I would like to ask the confirmation about Kangen Band. I have send the invitation through email last week”
Manager              : “Thank you for your invitation. With greatest pleasure, we would love to come to your event.”
Committee           : “Thank you very much. It’s an honor to cooperate with you.
Manager              : “but I forgot when it will be held?”
Committee           : “the event will be held on Tuesday next week”
Manager              : “okay, can you send me the details of the event, please?”
Commiitee           : “Sure. Then I will send you the details by email”
Manager              : “thank you”
Committee           : “with my pleasure”

5.     Declining an Invitation
Jogja Fashion Organization will hold a Fashion design Contest. The committees invited Zaskia Mecca to be the judges by sending an email to her. The committee confirms the invitation with Zaskia by telephone.
Committee           : “hello. Can I speak to Zaskia Mecca?”
Zaskia                  : “Zaskia here. “
Committee           : “I am committee of Jogja Fashion Organization. I am calling about the invitation I have send to you yesterday. So would you accept our invitation?”
Zaskia                  : “Thank you for asking me, but unfortunately at that time I have another schedule in Bali. I am afraid that I can’t attend to the event and be the judges. I am very sorry about that.
Committee           : “Oh I see. It is no problem, we very appreciate your response.”
Zaskia                  : “I hope the event goes well”.
Committee           : “thank you very much Zaskia, sorry for interrupting your time”
Zaskia                  : “Its no problem”


Study Program      : Chemistry Education
Name of Course   : English
Semester               : 4th semester
Topic                    : Procedure text and Journal
Time Allocation   : 2 sks (2 x 45 minutes)
Lecturer(s)                : Ifti Luthviana, Aryanti Eka L, Beby W

A.     Description of the course
This course is designed for 4th Chemistry students in Yogyakarta State University which is aimed at developing the students’ skill and competence in reading discourse. This is focused on the students’ in comprehending text. The topics included procedure text and journals in academic context. The material includes journal, lists of procedure text which can be used to improve their knowledge. The activities cover mostly reading practice and answering questions related to the text provided. The assessment on the students’ achievement is based on the student’s participation in the class, score in answering question, quizzes in the mid test, as well as in the final test, and classroom attendance.

B.     Objectives
Upon the completion of the course, students are expected to be able to:
1.      The learners are able to recognize action verbs.
2.      The learners are able to recognize connective.
3.      The learners are able to recognize imperative.
4.      The learner able to recognize sequencing.
5.      Students can use reading technique to find certain information (scanning, skimming, guessing from context, etc.)
6.      Students can understand technical terms found in the journal
C.     Teaching and Learning Process
Learning Activities
Learning experience


Attitude: Appreciate the literature,  cooperative, and  tolerant.
Knowledge: Recognize action verbs, connective, imperative, sequencing,
Skills: using their English skills to understand the procedure text.
Procedure text

Reference : handouts
a.       Preparation
b.      Brainstorming : The teachers stimulate the students by giving questions before they start reading.
c.       Reading: The students read the discourse silently.
d.      Exchanging information: The students share their understanding about the texts they have read.
e.       Assessment: The teacher gives written questions related to the text.
100 minutes
a.       Questioning and answering with teacher
b.      Reading the text individually
c.       Exchanging information and discussing with friends
d.      Answering written question from teacher
e.       The learners are able to recognize action verbs.
f.       The learners are able to recognize connective.
g.      The learners are able to recognize imperative.
h.      The learners are able to recognize adverbial phrases.
i.        The learner able to recognize sequencing


Attitude: Appreciate the literature,  cooperative, and  tolerant.
Knowledge: Students can understand technical terms found in the journal. Students can use reading technique to find certain information (scanning, skimming, guessing from context, etc.)
Skills: using their English skills to understand the journal.

Reference : handouts
Cari internet
a.       Preparation
b.      Brainstorming : The teachers stimulate the students by giving questions before they start reading.
c.       Reading : The students read the discourse silently.
d.       :  The students share their understanding
e.       Exchanging information : The students discuss the text with their friends
f.       Assessment : The teacher gives written questions related to the text.
100 minutes
a.       Questioning and answering with teacher
b.      Reading the text individually
c.       Exchanging information and discussing with friends
d.      Answering written question from teacher
a.       Students can use reading technique to find certain information (scanning, skimming, guessing from context, etc.)
b.      Students can understand technical terms found in the journal.

Cari internets
