by Ifti Luthviana Dewi

Subject                        : English
Level/Age                   : Level 6
Topic                           : Stationery
Text Type                    : Oral
Language Skiil            : Speaking
Time Allocation          : 20 Minutes
Media/Aids                 : Pictures, Worksheet

- The students are expected to know and be familiar with the names of stationeries.
- The students are expected to mention the names of stationeries.
- The students are expected to ask their friends using ‘yes no questions’.
- The students are expected to answer their friend’s questions with ‘yes or no’.

- The students are able to mention the names of stationeries.
- The students are able to ask their friends using ‘yes no questions’.
- The students are able to answer their friend’s questions with ‘yes or no’.

-                      -             Media                  : Pictures

o   pencil
o   book
o   pen
o   eraser
o   ruler
o   scissor
o   correction pen
o   crayon
o   stapler
o   sharpener
o   book
o   pencil case

-         Expressions          : Do you have….?
                                     Yes, I have…..
                                     No, I do not have….
-         Structure              : Yes no question
-         Vocabularies        : stationery (pencil, book, etc), yes no question, and answer question

D.    Technique

E.     Teaching Stages

1.      Greeting
§ Asking the children’s condition.
§ Asking the children to pray together
§ Respond to the teacher questions.
§ Say a prayer
§ Hello, good morning?
§ How are you?
§ Before we start the class let’s pray together
2.      Brainstorming
§ Asking the children about the name of a certain stationary
§ Mention the name of some stationeries
§ Do you know what is this?
§ All of them are stationaries.
1.      Introducing Vocabulary Related to Stationary
§ Showing some stationaries to the children
§ Telling the name of each stationaries based on the picture
§ Learn the stationeries introduced by the teacher.
§ Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
§ This is a pencil. This is a book. ….
- pencil
- book
- pen
- eraser
- ruler
- scissor
- correction pen
- crayon
- stapler
- sharpener
- note
- Pencil case
2.      Teaching Yes, No Question by Drilling
§ Telling the children about how to ask someone whether she/he has a certain stationary or not
§ Telling the children about how to answer yes, no question
§ Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
§ Repeat after me
§ Do you have a pencil?
§ Yes, I have a pencil
§ No, I don’t have a pencil
3.      Giving the Worksheet
§ Giving the worksheet to the children
§ Asking the children to read the worksheet carefully
§ Receive the worksheet
§ Read the worksheet
§ We will play a game. It’s called survey game. Are you familiar with this game?
§ Here I give you the worksheet
§ Please read the worksheet carefully
4.      Giving Instruction
§ Giving the explanation to the children about how to play the game
§ Listen to the teacher’s explanation.
§ You have to find someone who has …… stuff that is available in the worksheet
§ When you are finding someone, you can use the expression that we already learned before.
§ Move your body and then start to ask your friends.
§ You have to write the name of your friend which has those stuffs under the picture on the worksheet
5.      Playing The Survey Game
§ Asking the children to play the game
§ Play the games together with friends in a class
You can start it now. Good luck!
6.      Reporting The Result Of The Survey
§ Asking the children to report their survey game result.
§ Report the survey game result.
§ X, could you tell me someone who has a pencil?
8.      Closing
§ The teacher reviews the teaching and learning process by asking some questions.
§ Answer teacher questions.
§ Ok everyone, what did you have learned today?
§ That's all for today, see you next time

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